Exchange Student

The Faculty of Science of Silpakorn University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, organized a short-term academic training and workshop entitled: “Summer @ Silpakorn 2019”, which was participated by 29 students from the different countries across Asia such as Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, and Cambodia as well as the 16 students from the Silpakorn University itself.
The summer program lasted for nine day-course which was covered by the different topics in the field of Science such as Solar Drying Technology, Natural Dyes, and their Applications, and Plant Tissue Culture. This project of the University is in collaboration with the Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, and the Department of Biology. It also disseminates the advanced technology of the faculty as well as their high caliber people in sharing their forte.
In line with this, three (3) grade 12 students from the Senior High School Department of Tagum Doctors College Inc. were sent to attend the nine-day program together with their adviser, Prof. Kent Adriane R. Pacot and became exchange students in Thailand for a couple of days.
It was made possible since the school has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in partnership with Silpakorn University as well as Burapha University and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand that gave opportunities for the students in TDCI the chance to study abroad or to have more widespread access for their research studies and thesis.