Embracing the Kaleidoscope of the Mind

Two Mental Health Talks seminars and the vibrant Color Fun Run held during the month-long celebration acted as profound catalysts, igniting a collective consciousness and understanding of the importance of mental health within the Tagum Doctor’s College Inc. community.

Alongside the collaborative effort of our dear GSTC Mental Health Advocates, Ma’am Ella Cuajao, Ma’am Louiela Angcon, Ma’am Faith Tinay, Ma’am Esher Talledo, and Ma’am Cynthia Limbanganon, as well as the Psychology department mental health advocates, Ma’am Maria Dayanara Bianca Grecia, Ma’am Arnelle Ledres, and Ma’am Donna Madayag, the events as mentioned earlier were held successful. Their unwavering dedication and passion have led to the resounding success of the month-long celebration of Mental Health Month. Their collective efforts, wisdom, and compassionate guidance have not only enlightened our community but have sown the seeds of understanding, empathy, and hope. Through their tireless work, they’ve paved the way for a brighter and more inclusive future, highlighting the importance of mental health as a fundamental human right for all.

As the month unfurled, we found solace and compassion, ultimately reaching the culmination of our month-long celebration on Mental Wellness Day—a day where kindness flowed like a river. We shared joy, from iced coffee to ice cream, cookies, brownies, and karaoke melodies that harmonized with the symphony of our hearts. It was here, at the zenith of our month-long celebration, that we embraced the beauty of embracing our inner self.

As we end this unforgettable month, we carry forward the torch of enlightenment, reminding ourselves that mental health is indeed a universal human right – a radiant gem within the tapestry of our shared existence. Let us continue to craft a world where the tapestry of mental health is woven into the very fabric of our reality and be reminded that mental health is not just one's right but everyone's fundamental right.

Written by: Raymart Vasquez, PFC BSN Representative