Jeanne Nicci C. Orcena, RMT Secures 5th Place in the August 2023 MTLE

In a resounding testament to dedication, hard work, and an unyielding pursuit of excellence, Jeanne Nicci C. Orcena, RMT has emerged as a shining star in the August 2023 Medical Technologist Licensure Examination (MTLE), securing an impressive 5th place nationwide. This remarkable achievement not only underscores Ms. Orcena’s unwavering commitment but also stands as a source of inspiration for aspiring Medical Technologists across Davao Region.

Ms. Orcena’s journey to this momentous achievement has been marked by tireless effort and an unshakeable resolve to excel. From the very beginning, she exhibited an insatiable thirst for knowledge, delving deep into their studies and consistently pushing boundaries to reach new heights of academic prowess. Her discipline, punctuality, and an unflagging commitment to her academics set her apart as a true trailblazer.

Behind every success story lies a network of support, and Ms. Orcena’s is no exception. The guidance and mentorship provided by her professors, led by the unwavering support of TDCI’s President/CEO, Manuel Dennis E. Molina, MBA and the Dean of Medical Laboratory Science Program, Rey Anthony S. Perez, RMT, MSMT, and the unwavering support of family and friends, played a pivotal role in nurturing Ms. Orcena’s potential. Her professors' expertise and encouragement helped shape her into the accomplished professional she has become today.

Her achievement serves as a beacon of hope for countless students in the humble region of Davao. Her remarkable success not only speaks volumes about her own dedication but also showcases the immense potential that lies within every individual with a dream and a determined spirit. She has shattered the glass ceiling, proving that with grit and determination, any goal can be within reach.

With a promising future ahead, Ms. Orcena is poised to continue her journey as one of the newly hired faculty of the Medical Laboratory Science Program of TDCI. Her achievement in the August 2023 MTLE is not just a culmination of years of hard work but a stepping stone towards a future filled with even greater accomplishments.